wednesday one liners

theres NOTHING better than some wednesday one liners from overheard in NY when you feel a bit low..

Little boy holding a Dachshund: Too many weenies! Too many weenies, Mister Weenie!

Tourist teen spotting Che Guevara shirt at vendor: Oh my god! Isn't that Tom Cruise in Top Gun?

Girl: Oh, so I just found out my nipples come up to my boyfriend's bellybutton.

Man on cell: Well, when you put your arm all the way in, is it slippery?

Old woman drinking tea: It wasn't butt sex -- he just wanted the remote.

NYU girl: It was amazing, and I also saw a dead guy on the street this morning. I saw Oprah and a dead guy all in one day!

Ghetto teen: Yo, girl! Don't be pickin' at yo' pussy like that in the street! You'll be on YouTube tomorrow!

Bimbette: Tiff, do these make my vagina look furry?

Teen: When I was young and fat I used to dream about scooping out my fat with a teaspoon. I was a deeply disturbed child.

Fat lady eating pizza: Well, you know, I figured this was just as good as a salad...



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