im frickin agressive..!

promise! im totally agressive! got a mail today, but it was like all torn up and there was nothing in it... it was inside a plastic folder with a note: "vi ber om ursäkt! ditt brev har tyvärr skadats under postbehandlingen på göteborg postterminal." i cant even see who send it! i have an idea about who it may be, but thinking about the way hes been acting, i honestly dont know! aaargh! hate, hate, HATE the swedish post office!

anyway, finish the swedish assignment first, then i have some packing to do, but then im off to the sm! uppsala, here i come! and im gonna kick your ass! ...NOT!:) im probably going to do reeeeeally bad in this competition, but heeey, im only there to get som practise and have fun!:)

damn, i miss my cosy sunrises...♥

oh, by the way! did you wear pants today? couse i didnt:P you didnt know today was no pants day? you baaaaad:D 
word of the day:                                           hope



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