i can see the light!:P

it actually feels like theres an end... i dont have to go to school anymore! ever again actually. cant tell you how happy i am, i mean, after 12 years of regret it feels sooooo good to just let go of this shit.:D

oh, i actually think im going to make this, im going to become a nice person!:D ive read the book three times now..:$ but thers so much to learn, and im retarded so itll be more than three times:P but i mean, its just theory, it doesnt stop there, i have to make it practical too.. but ill make it! im finally going to become a nice person!

my brother had a book he would hold with pride
a little red cover with a broken spine.
In the back he hand wrote a quote inside,
when the rich wage war, its the poor who die

(L) minutes to midnight



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