a little visit

image286yeees, im going to visit kajsa this weekend :D well have so much fun! actually dont think ive been to västerås before.. either way ill shop my brains out! well just hope theyll have SOME sweet shops:) wonder if i should bring my wo clothes? and what else am i supposed to bring? ill prob have to take the bs2k, no other bag is big enough..:)


when i think about it, kajsas the first person i ever go visit just for the sake of meeting the person. geeez, im more socially disabled than i thought! but ive seriously never stayed the night at a friends house, not even when i was a kid, ok, not that hard to understand, but still.. thats kind of sad, what did i really miss? did i miss anything? oh, well, i guess ill just have to wait and see...:)

written by: s

have föön!

2007-08-28 @ 19:29:25
URL: http://afyfan.blogg.se


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