..my mom called me a slut! hahahaha, totally hilarious!
weeell, what can i say? im totally slutty, you should see me!;P hahahaha! god, im laughing my brains out!
oh, yeah?
"jag gillar dig, du tar inget på allvar.."
oh, yeah? well, i hate you, youre a thief and a hypocrit! ha! take that, asshole!
oh, yeah? well, i hate you, youre a thief and a hypocrit! ha! take that, asshole!
kajsas tommorrow, and were gonna fix this shit!
so this is him

.. the dork ill be spending a month with, skrutten..:D
hes awesome!
looove ♥

my every comp season saver!

Urban Word of the Day

this, my friends, is true love ♥

cost me a fortune, but god damn it was worth the money!

kick off

so, these are the little scamps i organized it to. maistro in the middle.:) please note how unhappy they look. meaning? i did a good job!:P
at last

a little visit
yeees, im going to visit kajsa this weekend :D well have so much fun! actually dont think ive been to västerås before.. either way ill shop my brains out! well just hope theyll have SOME sweet shops:) wonder if i should bring my wo clothes? and what else am i supposed to bring? ill prob have to take the bs2k, no other bag is big enough..:)

when i think about it, kajsas the first person i ever go visit just for the sake of meeting the person. geeez, im more socially disabled than i thought! but ive seriously never stayed the night at a friends house, not even when i was a kid, ok, not that hard to understand, but still.. thats kind of sad, what did i really miss? did i miss anything? oh, well, i guess ill just have to wait and see...:)
look what i found!

none of us looks really happy, but dont worry, were prob just tired after dancing hard, its midsummers eve...:P
deep inside of you
ncis tonight.. all alone
i wanted one...
so i bought one!
god is nice to be rich! booyah!

"Drooling is caused by excess production of saliva"
ok, this i totally strange, but ive started drooling! like a dog! and its not like the small kind of dog, i drool like a frickin st bernhard! its totally strange because i havent got anything to drool about. but still my mouth has constantly been watering the whole day...! i dont know what to do, its totally uncomfortable and embarrasing! well, its not like ive got a big spot of saliva on my shirt but i have to keep swallow or spit all the time.
i wonder how its gonna be tonight...hmpf!
last breakfast with the family
my god! can you be more sulky? howcome olle can sit there slurping his oboy sounding like THE swamp monster and im not even allowed to browse through the news papers!
ill eat by my self in the kitchen again!
ill eat by my self in the kitchen again!
boooring and pathetic and dont read this shit

msn is sooo NOT what it was before..
where did everyone go? are you forbidden to use msn if youve got a girlfriend? is that it? girlfriend = no msn? naaa, cant be, but what is it then? blääääää, this sucks. and i suck even more sitting here complaining about it.. so not healthy. yick, tomorrows good bye (again). im so not sitting here all day long, every day, just to get like 10 minutes a month with pelle! aah, fuck it. ill watch tv instead, if i remember how to switch it on, that is...
GET ME OUT OF HERE, someone? please...?
farfar is cooool ♥

who else would be playing with a model aeroplane at the age of 80? weeell, me, but im not that old, yet...
doubtful employment

flowers, since when do i do flowers? since today, obviously..:/
big drama at big pipes
ohhhh, yeah! biiiiig drama! police cars and a breakdown truck. all this because of


swimming 2 km! plus 1h spinning and 1h rpm.
finally starting to see some results

ill say it again: BOOYAH!
"didrik skiöldebrant, adel? jaa!"
get me out of here!
dang it!
i want somewhere nice to go to. i could go visit someone.. but i dont really know anyone, not that much. thats too bad, cause i really want to get away from HERE
i want somewhere nice to go to. i could go visit someone.. but i dont really know anyone, not that much. thats too bad, cause i really want to get away from HERE
these ones..

are cool. im getting them for erik tonight..:)
balooobas ♥

yeeeey, shopping!

a new pair of tiger jeans and tons of underwear!

hes cool
...totally cool!:P

sgt tagemark, yeaaah!
haha, we really do need to look that pizza up!;)
i wouldnt say not to this cutie

funniest EVER!
sold the boat today, to an old fencing friend, oddly enough! anyway, it sold, weeeeii!
i thought id be totally malicious about erik not making the drivers license (again), but im not, i just feel sorry for him...
im supposed to be a hard and ruthless person and i feel sorry for him?!
how did that happen?
im supposed to be a hard and ruthless person and i feel sorry for him?!
so, now i know
howcome girlfriends always make friends disappear?
im totally happy for him, even though it means he wont speak to me..:/
howcome girlfriends always make friends disappear?
oh, i wish hard
my summer 2007
what the hell happened to my summer? ive had like the most boring summer ever! "the worst day of my life, whaddayathink?!" started out quite bad with lk as i had that concussion, then i came home, became eriks personal chauffeur, worked my ass off at four different jobs, uninstalled msn to force myself to find real friends (didnt work..), joined the öland ffu and got totally disappointed..


i want a glump...
fresh from akterhag
4x20 sit up
4x20 säteslyft
4x20 rygglyft
4x20 diagonala sträck
4x20 böjsträck
4x20 tung kålmask
4x20 benlyft
avsluta med en löprunda på 30-40 minuter.:D
so, somethings up with tikkanen and i have no idea what... anyway:

finally someone to talk to about lungö and inryck!:D

finally someone to talk to about lungö and inryck!:D
"det är msn.... ALLA är snälla på msn"
new shoes

..is there anything better?
"aah, the sound of gun fire in the afternoon, is there anything better?"
nice to know you
god damn im good!
haha, i totally owned those suckers!

not me on the pic, but i looked similar..:D
how can you, after three years in the hvu, not know how to line up? or how to lämna av? my god, they sucked real harrrrrd!
meheeee, i was the best, yeaaah! first time that ever happened...:)
best thing of the weekend: "borrowed" a soldF, which will be studied haaaaaard:P

meheee, three days in the woods with other möps, how sweet is that!
its true
geez, im going to a funeral..! i dont want to. i have to
omg, ive overslept! how the hell did that happen? havent done that since i started high school!
good night folks
going to bed now to read the bible and listen to the sweetest playlist in a loong time, SEE FOR YOUR SELF! god, i just looove napoleon!:D

yes, i know, its an old playlist, but that doesnt make it less sweet..(L)

yes, i know, its an old playlist, but that doesnt make it less sweet..(L)

and why the hell are we going to brghlm first? now when we are, wouldnt it be better if we just met up there? i mean, to start in kalmar and drive up to brghlm and then to kalmar again and finally to kosta? oh, well, i just hope its very well planned..

just hope i wont suck at everything..
like a really bad movie

i was standing in the hard wind (id almost call it storm..) and really had to pull the flowers up from the soil. sometimes i straightened myself up and looked out on the grey, cold and lively water, it looked so cold. i was thinking how useless and what a failure i am. then i saw this couple a bit further away at the beach, they were taking pictures of each other acting super heros with the sea and the bridge as back ground.
it was looking at them realized: im the worst jerk ever, who am i to talk about other peoples lifes when i can hardly live my own without ending it.. thought a bit about the funeral tomorrow and about my own funeral, will anyone come to tell me goodbye and maybe say i wasnt that bad after all, i had my good days too, before i met..
worst movie ever, not even my mormor would watch it
DANG IT! I REALLY DO NEED A JOB, but wouldnt be sorry to have a friend either..
DANG IT! I REALLY DO NEED A JOB, but wouldnt be sorry to have a friend either..
wonder whats up with tikkanen, hope its really nothing, hes just in paris or just dont want to talk to me or something..
something big is happening
elin is about to FIKA! how did that happen? well, jennys off to us and she loooves to fika so i just had to take one with her..
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didnt work, ive been having another blog... busted! plus ive totally been spending my time on soldF...