
aaaah, best poule ive ever done!♥ so, i did like the worst direkteliminering ever, so what? (as you probably havent understood by now, i was in jkp today, at jkp masters.) im totally satisfied with my fencing today, after all, ive been deffat for over four weeks and havent been able to fence as much assout as id have liked to... and i did win against andrea!:D then i met tysken, hes totally wacked! so i asked him to be the starring roll in my movie, and he soooo did it!:P anyway, to sum the day up: great fencing in the poule, worst fencing ever in the DE, and 2 brilliant movies to henrik..:)

oh! yesterday i found a word for lagom, i didnt think there was one... but now i know;)
♥ baby bear ♥
isnt that like the sweetest word ever? its totally one of my favourites right now..!:) 

ok, heres the best translator youve probably ever seen, its hilarious! please use this side for all your school work, itll be so much more fun:P


talked a lot to jenny bengsson and her mum today, theyre totally sweet both of them! and the bergdahl family, what can i say? a family consisting of four lovely teddy bears..!♥

hmm, some tenderness would be great right now. and i could totally need a real biiiig glump...♥ just a liiiiittle bit of recovery help..:) i totally have to get someone to talk to (about like everything) too. damn, i really do need to get some real friends;)

sooo, a lot of bears and hearts today, strange, but i suppose its a good thing..:P

word of the day:                                        baby bear



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