an acrimonious loner
is it possible to throw up just because of jealousy? because i think i just did... i really do have to stop reading old conversations!:S
a loner
- A loner is a person who is always on their own. They prefer their own company and do not make friends easily. They often find solace in books or the internet. They are alone.
- A person who doesn't need other people around them to validate there own existence
- Someone who likes being alone, and is happy with what they are. Often called freaks because the general population is too thinkheaded to understand the phrase "leave me the fuck alone".
weeell, i suppose i am one.. but is that so hard to understand? im so totally tired of learning the hard way that most people actually are lying, cheating and ungreatful.
to a little happier part of my day: today i was at perfume garden to get a wax. theyre totally sweet!♥ went great too, at least i think so, ill have a look before going to bed;) then off to the gym where i learned to never wear a FM t-shirt again.. there was this guy who came up and started asking me real complicated questions about the army. heey, i dont know anything about those green guys!♥

congrats my darling!♥
oops, youve probably figured out by now that ive been thinking waaay too much today, unfortunately..;) after all i cant end this blog all acrimonious and stuff. so, ill give you a tip about the best feel-good movie ever (surprisingly enough NOT sune:P):
word of the day: niggerball
i live by the rules..:)
"Först och främst,
duscha aldrig längre än två minuter,
och för det andra,
så duscha aldrig varmt,
man duschar inte för att det är skönt inte,
man duschar för att man ska bli ren."
aaaah, best poule ive ever done!♥ so, i did like the worst direkteliminering ever, so what? (as you probably havent understood by now, i was in jkp today, at jkp masters.) im totally satisfied with my fencing today, after all, ive been deffat for over four weeks and havent been able to fence as much assout as id have liked to... and i did win against andrea!:D then i met tysken, hes totally wacked! so i asked him to be the starring roll in my movie, and he soooo did it!:P anyway, to sum the day up: great fencing in the poule, worst fencing ever in the DE, and 2 brilliant movies to henrik..:)
oh! yesterday i found a word for
lagom, i didnt think there was one... but now i know;)
♥ baby bear ♥
isnt that like the sweetest word ever? its totally one of my favourites right now..!:)
ok, heres the best translator youve probably ever seen, its hilarious! please use this side for all your school work, itll be so much more fun:P

talked a lot to jenny bengsson and her mum today, theyre totally
sweet both of them! and the
bergdahl family, what can i say? a family consisting of
four lovely teddy bears..!♥
hmm, some
tenderness would be great right now. and i could totally need a real biiiig
glump...♥ just a liiiiittle bit of recovery help..:) i totally have to get someone to talk to (about like everything) too. damn, i really do need to get some real
sooo, a lot of bears and hearts today, strange, but i suppose its a good thing..:P
word of the day: baby bear
biiiiig trouble
how did they even come up with that idea?! its like
totally wicked! im thinking about telling jonne about what theyre up to, but i dont know... what i do know is that i really have to see to that he doesnt get left alone with those people, it could end up real bad!:S but ill protect him, after all, thats the kind of things im good at!:P
oh, yesterday i met susanna to get my grade in religion A, i got a VG, "du var aktiv på lektionerna. jag och susanna är överens om att när du sa något, då var det något viktigt.." yeah right! like ive ever said anything about religion in those classes...:P but heeey, if thats the grade theyd like to give me, im totally fine with that!:D
yum, there might be some båtåka today. hopefully well be launching the boat in the afternoon. cant wait!♥ just have to fix the boat up a bit first, wouldnt be very nice to have the dirtiest boat in the marina..;)
oooh, ill probably meet lillhitler tomorrow! hes ugly:) i still cant believe that henrik told him what we called him last summer! :$ totally wicked!:P but i like him anyway...:) ive been terrorizing him all day!:P

i totally love, love, LOVE band of brothers! my heroes!
word of the day: intellectual boob
today i saw
5 fire engines,
2 patrol cars,
2 army jeeps and i got to talk to some men in
uniforms..! ♥
thats happiness!
aaah, core i loooove! helene had the core today and it was perfect, still cant feel my tummy:) robin, alexandras boyfriend was there too, i was so totally better than him!;) he couldnt even do plankan properly, i thought he was like the buff, but heeey, obviously not! :)
i really thought i was over this guy. but today i saw this conscript soldier meeting his girlfriend on the station, and all i could think of was that he touched her the same way the taciturn person touched me.
word of the day: nipple
iiiih! i talked to nicklas today and he was like all positive and stuff about me joining hvu. he sounds great, told me it was like the first time someone rang him and not the other way around, strange! :P
"har du skjutit automatvapen innan?"
"eeh, njaaa.. eller asså det var..."
"ah, bra då ska vi lära dig det också, vad kul!"
so, this can be the best thing ive done in my life! as you probably figured out by now im totally excited about this. and no, im not a retard, this is happiness!:)
"johannes, var har ni era övningar?"
"inte på internet iallafall!"

aaah, look what i found at the gas station today..:)
5 things to distinguish a möp: 1. talks continuously about FM
2. member of at least one of FMs sub-organisations
3. gets totally overexited when sees FM materials
4. constantly love sick
5. a disturbed interest in sex
hmm, check, check, double check, check, check.. damn! im totally busted on this one!:) ♥
word of the day: HVU
i really do have to get at least one nights good sleep. i overslept today and woke up at 7.15 when göran came... so, no breakfast and five hours of writing ahead of me, yick! anyway,
jens is my hero, he gave me one of his bananas..:) i so wanted one of these at the test today:
when i finished at 20 to 11 my tummy were doing some real loud and strange noises, so i ran down to the canteen where i met ida and we had lunch.
i so totally miss him, but i suppose id rather miss him than like get disappointed all the time..:)
what the heck have they done to this poor little doggie?
so, maths test and presentation of project work at english tomorrow, but it doesnt end there, physics test on friday too.. yick!
word of the day: storlek
ahead of my life
i woke up today with the most spectacular feeling ive ever had; i felt like i was ahead of my life! i know ive got a lot to do in school and stuff, but i seriously think im gonna make this! anyway, tomorrow is the national test in swedish, 5 hours of writing, in a row! i will totally fall a sleep during the test...:D
so, i was going to gym class, but when i got there, i found out i was supposed to be at fredriksskans, tuff shit! then i saw this this other class having badminton. i asked their teacher if i could join. so, there i was, having like the time of my life with some people i dont even know!:D lifes cute!♥
hmm, ive got four(!) exams this week, probably screwed in like all of them, but ill do my best!;)
oh, a totally sick thing! how the heck can you mistake white paint for cum?! while im at it: why on earth do i keep reading dirty words in harmless sentences like "kom klädd i svart och vitt!"? and how, how, HOW did i get "skolka" to become "knulla"?? weeell, suppose my retarded brains playing me some tricks..;)
anyway, stuff to do during the holiday next week:
- watch freddy got fingered
- study for the physics exams
- double check the project work
- watch sponge bob the movie
word of the day: anal retentive
MÖP anyone?
so, today was the first day of my new life:) things to do in my new life:
- start taking extra classes with andrzej (check!)
- not talking to the taciturn person on msn anymore (check!)
- core at least twice a week
- attend school
- be nicer to olle and erik (yeah right...)
- save money
- get drivers license
- spend more time at the gym
oh, i totally forgot about this sick dating personal i got from a guy in my class. its like hilarious! suppose its kind of true too..:$ anyway, here it it is, enjoy!
MÖP med låga krav sökes!
Efterbliven MÖP-nucka söker man (vadsomhelst) med samma störda intressen, om du också är efterbliven gör det inget, minus och minus blir ju plus! Du måste gilla vapen, båtar, sirener och i princip allt som är kamouflagefärgat. Träning är ett måste, det gör inget om du är lat, motivation kan ordnas. Sex är ingen nödvändighet, vi kan gå och titta på vapen istället.
Är du intresserad? Ring Miss Piggy
anyway, at the model class today i almost finished my corvette! its just the painting left. might be difficult, but, heeey, im gonna make this!:) (i would have given you the picture i took of it, but josefins got it on her cell, so maybe tomorrow..)
word of the day: clever dick
SSD 93 is the shit
damn, it feels like someone carved my heart out or something. i really thought id been spared this lovething, but nope. i kind of already knew he wasnt interested in me, but im so god damn hopeful all the time! ive tried not to let him know and like talk to him like a friend, but yesterday he really gave me the death blow! when he keeps telling me about who he had sex with and about this new girl, it breaks my heart! ive blocked and removed him from msn, i know its a bit selfish (if its true that he likes to have me as a friend), but it hurts too much every time he doesnt answer or tells me about the girl hes into right now.. id really like to have him as a friend, but i think itll have to wait til my hearts recovered. anyway, ill try not to be acrimonious, this sweet guy really deserves someone better, more good looking and better in bed. but i really do hope that well be the best of friends again
by summer!:)
ok, this is like the cutest thing ever! -->
ooh, best thing! talked with emil bergström yesterday (a guy from falken whos done svk on lungö) and he said that lks wearing ssd 93 whilst all the others wear the m/87... so this summer course really seems to get better and better..;)
totally sorry about this, but i just had to put up this song, i love it and its exactly how ive been feeling...
best ill ever be
well, then im off to complete my project work!:)
i really do think mummie hates me, ok, not hate hate me, but its like shes disappointed in me or something. this morning we had like THE quarrel. she said im a pathetic person who wont ever like get a boyfriend or real friends and stuff. she also said i had to lose some weight before prom, i suppose its true, and im trying real hard, what else can i do?
so, this guy, i really have to forget about him, yesterday it was kind of obvious that he doesnt like me like THAT.. i sat up like all night just in case he would log on to msn, and i didnt shut down the coputer for the same reason. i must be retarded or something, i really have to let go.. but its hard, after all hes my samson♥...
anyway, about today. weve been working at the marina the whole morning. i raked som seaweed and some old tree branches. the sjöräddning AND the Coast Guard came by in their RIBs ♥. they looked sooo nice in their ursuits:P. i was like totally happy when i got to go with them for! oh, then i met this crazy old man (i know, theyre all crazy) who told me about "drömmen om elin" and like how it was written and stuff. last thing i did was paint the doorposts on the old house..
fencing and core both went well. i won pretty much:) oh, i almost fell for the worst pick up line ever at the gym! "ööh, skulle du kunna hjälpa mig med mina armhävningar?" "ja, visst" "okej, eeeh, lägger du dig på rygg på golvet där då?"... anyway, all the madness ended with this the shower; "eeh, ursäkta" (coming uo waaaay to close) "ditt bröst är ju alldeles blått, och du verkar ha skurit dig på bröstvårtan, är du okej?" why cant they just leave me alone??
way too much thinking
weeell, its this thing with LK. i dont know how to put in words, but i kind of feel like all the MG-people are like a family and im like their neighbour or something. henrik says theyre nice and stuffl, and i bet they all are, but still it feels like its going to be a bit like in GK..
then theres this knowledge-thing, i usually feel like THE dummie when i talk to william or henrik and im afraid the others will be as knowledgeable as they are. ok, i know henrik said that about that its a school and all, but still, its never a hit being the idiot..:S
im thinking so much my head will probably explode any time near, but still i cant get a grip about the taciturn person. id really like to know what he thinks about me, its probably that im a trying and annoying person that just wont let go of what has been, but still, theres a chance that he likes me;) i kind of regret the first time, not the whole thing but like what i did and said and stuff. the second time i was so afraid i wouldnt be able to keep my hands off him that i almost acted like i didnt want him to be here, and i really did! what i regret the most is prabably that i didnt say anything of what i wanted to tell him. i really want to tell him (regardless if he feels the same way or not), but still, i dont want to tell him everything because i dont want to risk losing him as a friend.. damn, this is hard!
so, for how long have we been living here, about 6 months? what i mean is that it still feels like were moving back to kalmar any day, and that this is like a dream or a holiday. this is probably the reason to why im doing so bad in school.. oh, well, i guess ill just have to accept that this is my home now and make the best of it...:)
anyway, jonne is back in town, and for that im totally happy! who else would i discuss MÖP subjects with in school? feels good to have him back, he said yesterday hed talk to the boss of his division about me joining HV, yeeey! so well just have to wait and see, maybe ill get some new MÖP friends..:)