Celibacy refers either to being unmarried or to
sexual abstinence. Celibacy is sometimes used as a synonym for "
abstinence" or "
chastity." A
vow of celibacy is a promise not to enter into
marriage or engage in
sexual intercourse. The term
involuntary celibacy has recently appeared to describe a chronic, unwilling state of celibacy.
geez, im starvin! and all soaked in sweat. nicea! yeye, at least its kinda funfun to clear up this time, not as cold like the last time. brrrr! anyway, found this hilarious picture from falken of brännström, hes totally cool!:D
okey? so this guy poked me on facebook, but what on earth happened after that?!
tired as an old cow!
imme just called me, he wants me to help clearing up in the woods tomorrow. bah! im helping farmor all morning with picking up and buying stuff, then ill help at her lunch party (euu, all the pinches in my cheeks and padding my ass, yick!). then off to the optician. done there mormor wanted some help with some grocery shopping. so, when am i supposed to help him? suppose itll be an early morning sunday for a little date with the chainsaw..♥
well then, off to bed (sofa)!
so, im home home this weekend, alone with nisse ♥.
the others are in åre skiing with our exchange student, veronica.
farmor and farfar are in råå visiting my cousins, pickin them up
at the station tonight.
me and nisses just been out for a long walk, now were off to help
mormor with some shopping and cleaning her apartment.
she got her headache back..:(
whats happenin down there, in pottis? is it good? bad?
give me some clarity here, im hearing all kinds of strange things..:S

mehee, 4 shots within 37 mm..
kalle killer is the best!
me like!
oki, know everts not very pretty, but hes a really good listener
and we all know how great takida is
together they can make miracles
heres proof they even fix broken hearts!
(no, hes not dead)
well, im livin on the food packages ive begged to get from the people going by plane home, no one wants anything in it but the candy anyway. so, yesterday i got 7 baguettes, 9 bananas and 16 soft drinks. think ill survive this weekend aswell..:P
days mostly look the same:
when i wake up (mostly round 8) i go to the gym, finish with some running at the tracks. after some food im at jööran for a while, reading or studying. i really should study more. really suck at everything we do. except löd, kläm and green days, that is. although, those doesnt matter, the test results matter, my dad wouldve killed me if he knew how stupid i am.
during the afternoon i usually take a walk down to school and look at some choppers and stuff. sometimes i go down to the city instead. then some more studying.
dinner with jööran and then a movie. im so flippin scared of the dark so after the movie i often just go to bed..
mostly im just really really bored (like now, why else even write this down). but everythings better than bein at home.