tomorrows IT
unfortunately all the others ended up sailing gladan, meaning ill be all alone with 24 naval cadets at falken.
but when we get to stralsund hakkarainen will be there!:D

hmmm, this is me

"Sergeant 1st Class Orville Snorkel ("Sarge")
- Beetle's nemesis; known to frequently beat up Beetle for any excuse he can think of; overeater"
- Beetle's nemesis; known to frequently beat up Beetle for any excuse he can think of; overeater"
according to mummie weve got the same figure, same special liking for beating people up whenever we can and the same interest for sweets. finally none of us is very liked and our best (only?) friends are dogs
back at falken♥
true thoughts of a materialist
we all know a thing wont ever tell you "i love you", but neither will they say "i like you.. but let us be friends instead..".

i truly hate this house!

give me back my armed forces!

personally i think he did the right thing, "All heder år Major Odenberg. Nu är han i mina ögon inte politiker utan officer!"
"Han avgår pga att han inte längre tror på uppgiften med givna medel, att önskat resultat inte kommer kunna uppnås.
Han tar ansvar genom att avgå, då han inte längre tror på uppgiften."
mormor and me, were a great team

woods, mushrooms and mormor


so, mormor and me went to strömby today to visit one of mormors friends, spy on her ex cottage and pick mushrooms.
pics västerås

its as cold as at the north pole in our house! ive already started to fire in my tile stove and its only the beginning of september! ive got two down quilts and a blanket, but i still wake up all shivering. brrr!
totally different from akterhags flat, woke up almost sweaty because of my little stove friend lying on my tummie.

möpisch night
totally möpisch night with akterhag and the västerås fbu. borrowed a uniform from kajsa, and a pair of boots from her boyfriend, like four sizes bigger than i usually wear..:P anyway, started with a test, they totally sucked.:D they got out some new clothes and books and we finished with some brak and exercise. this took us 4 hours!
on our way home we stopped by at mcdonalds where we saw a fight. one guy were totally high on amfetamine and was extremely aggressive. we got him out of there, called the police, gave the poor beaten guy som ice, looked him up. then the police came and we had to tell them the whole scenario.
on our way home we stopped by at mcdonalds where we saw a fight. one guy were totally high on amfetamine and was extremely aggressive. we got him out of there, called the police, gave the poor beaten guy som ice, looked him up. then the police came and we had to tell them the whole scenario.
theres always happenings around akterhag!:P
im in paradise
im totally in heaven! a möps heaven that is... its like uniforms and military book all over the place!:D and guns and badges everywhere! i looove this place! plus ive got a new friend, oskar! hes a lion..:P
then im off to västerås and my first real "visiting-a-friend-weekend"..:D

were gonna have so much fun!