smooooooth running!
haha, went out for a run an hour ago, and what did i find? ooooh, yeah, i found karlberg!:P
but im kinda happy too

..cause a friend of mine seems happier than before!
msn is actually kinda useful..:P
what have i done?!
bah, right now theres two people doing dirty stuff in my room,
the only room, this room! in MY bed! euuuu!
yeye, at least theyre happy.:)
was looking forward to a nice and quiet weekend,
but nope,
its going right the opposite way..
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
babbeling about a whole lot of nothing
found some skittles in one of my bags today. theyre probably from miami. dang i miss jem! he could talk for hours, about memories, surfing and all kinds of stuff. i loved to just sit and listen, listen, listen. it never got lame. wish i had someone like him here, then i would never ever feel lonely again. i really like listening to people, im not really into the talking thing, except when im really nervous, cause then i babble on like im crazy. its tremendously embarrassing. but i cant help it. and then my ears turn red, like im really really warm.
oh, what am i writing..? could really tell im ill! all scatterbrained and confused. well, im going to bed now. hope ill get better so i can go to sthlm friday and meet emma and emma. and hopefully ill spend new years eve at hackiis, but i dont know, havent heard a bip, maybe he changed his mind? yeye, suppose timell tell..
im sooo born without luck

19 years old and i havent had luck once! just played a present game with my family, didnt win anything during the 23 minutes we played whilst others won up to like 90% of the times they rolled the dices.

yeye, thats life. now out to chop some wood, looks like its goin to be reeeally cold tonight.. brrrr! will prob look like a snowman tomorrow..:/
hihihi, rustle rustle...

hihi, wrapping christmas presents is funfunfun. only thing i really like about christmas, and birthdays too.. oh, wait, other peoples smiles when they get something they really like is yumyum too. hmm, that might be why i hate people opening my presents when im there? i really do suck at buying presents, but wrapping is fun..! although i never said i was good at it..:P

was offered a job yesterday! just like that..! unfort it was wed-sat 21-03...
anyway, claes, eva and gunnar coming tomorrow, j&j and the guys sat. christmas eve monday, taikons leaving tues.
im leaving for some bachelor(-ette) life in sthlm next friday. dang itll be nice to sleep til at least 8!
svensson, me and a whole lot of fm memories. its totally wicked how much good times weve spent together,
then something good happened! i found some stuff for oskar and gustav. and some stuff for me to wear christmas and new years eve..:)

so, going for some shopping tomorrow aswell, but for/with mormor. wednesday is grocery shopping at borgholm with farmor and hopefully well get done early so i can get to pottis and buy some stuff for farfar and jonas.
dads getting the new car tomorrow...
AND weve made some progress! im now talkable (still havent got any parents though..)

aaaah! sometimes i really hate Hate HATE adidas! said i have to order them from the wisconsin office/store since theyre not for me.. yeah, right! so ill get them just in time for summer?! "soo, merry christmas 5 months too late..!" why why why cant they just be nice for once and let me have them from sthlm? i mean, hellooo, who says my feet didnt grow during summer? aah, poop, i really wanted him to have them! i cant come up with anything else, now i cant give him anything..
cool as in BK cool!
olle and matsii, cool as in BK cool!
only very very cool people can get the cool status at BK level. my god im jealous..!
soo, christmas AGAIN..
since when do i hate christmas? it just struck me i really do. this forcement to buy presents for people who truly hates you, and vice versa. fine, i love giving away stuff, esp if the person likes it. but i hate getting things, dont know why, suppose it doesnt quite agree with me being a materialist, but thats just the way its..
GSU check
me (L) doggie
so, monday tomorrow

i dont get it, howcome its monday every single day? mustve been something wrong somewhere.
yeye, nothing to do about it, just hope theyll get wearied of it some day (soon).
so, this week wasnt really a kicker, my whole body is screaming no matter how small and slow movements im making, wellwell, just have to get used to it, according to the doctor itll never go away. plus ive been a real wuss crying all week, crying myself to sleep is just not acceptable, all it gains is a cold. so enough with being a wuss and start ignoring people and pain!
but besides this it was a good week, were out at lindholmen all week and did some TLS and put out some fire. had two (!) free nights which i spend with hacke and olsson, the gym and waynes is the shit!:)
next week itll be med. care and sea resc. funfunfun!